Name: Samantha Valencia Gonzalez Age:17 Gender: Female Bio: Sam tends to be very complicated for everyone. If a person thinks they know her, they are wrong. Which makes people think wrong of her many times. Which makes her move a lot with her Aunt and her Uncle. Her aunt and uncle never wanted kids at all, so when they found out they were getting 10 year old Sam they were not happy. Still aren't since they abuse Sam since they got her. But Sam doesn't want to tell the cops or anyone about it because that's the only family she has left. Sam is always at the library reading books. She would always come home with three books with her. . Appearance: Sam has emerald green eyes with specks of red which make people not look her in the eyes and makes her not look in anyone's eyes. Her eyes pop out because of her light tanned skin. Her black hair goes all the way to her waist, and she also has one strand of hair that is colored red. She decided to dye it that color. Her finger nails are painted black everytime. She tends to never wear light colors but when she does its only a little with the dark colors. Facts: She doesn't like yellow. Always loves to read and write. Loves to play the piano. Listens to music a lot.