Tim placing his hand over hers had been an accident. Sophia was sure of that. She hadn't thought anything of it because, hey, accidents happen. Knowing Tim, however, she had expected him to suddenly get flustered and pull his hand away as if it was on fire. But he didn't. That's what caught her attention. She looked at their hands for a moment and couldn't help but notice that his hand was bigger than hers, enveloping it almost completely. Yet Sophia was sure that if she were to turn her hand around and interlock their fingers their hands would fit together perfectly. The seconds ticked by and seemed to stretch on, feeling more like minutes. Still Tim did not move his hand. Sophia began to wonder if maybe he was in a state of shock and simply couldn't. She looked over to see his expression and he looked at her at the same moment. Tim's face was a bit red, but other than that he looked... calm. Really calm. He didn't say anything, nor did she. His hand remained where it was. Sophia felt her face heat up as a million different scenarios played out in her mind. She could directly ask Tim to move his hand, or indirectly bring his attention to it. She could move _her_ hand and simply direct him to the folder she had intended to bring up. Or... Or she could hold onto his hand. Just that thought alone sent Sophia's cheeks aflame with red. But why hold onto his hand? Help him get more used to physical contact and her in general so that he wouldn't be so nervous around her? Because she liked signs of human affection? Or simply because she had already taken an extreme liking to Tim and simply wanted to hold his hand? It was a mixture of all three, but if asked about it Sophia was likely only to tell Tim about the first reason. She made her decision. Without saying anything Sophia shifted her fingers a little until they were in the spaces between Tim's fingers. She pushed them through and turned them so that their fingers were kind of interlocked with Tim's hand still resting atop hers, then moved their hands from the track pad to rest them on the couch between them. She and Tim were still looking at each other and so far he had not pulled away yet, not freaked out. Neither of them said a word either. Sophia took that as a good sign and she shifted her fingers so that she had a better grasp on Tim's hand. Finally she looked away toward the laptop. Sophia moved a bit closer to Tim, adjusting their hands accordingly so that they still sat between them but were now closer to their own legs with a smaller gap in between their bodies. Leaning forward Sophia used her left hand to use the track pad, minimizing the previous folder and bringing up a new one labeled _Tunnel_. It was a single picture of the hole taken on accident, but you could still kind of see the jewels embedded into the tunnel glowing dimly. "This picture was a complete accident," Sophia finally said. "I didn't even know I had managed to capture this until I was looking through the photos again. But take a look at this! See those runes above the tunnel?" She pointed out the hieroglyphs that stood out on the wall. "They're the exact same ones as these right here--" she paused to pull up a picture of the runes from the previous folder, "--because that was the exact same spot. But look. No tunnel." Where the tunnel should have been in that photo was a blank spot of wall. She looked over at Tim, wondering what he thought of her discovery.