> > LAST SECOND CS > > > > Appearance: [img=http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608005380541317134&pid=15.1&H=160%20&W=115] > > Name: Carrie Sira > > Age: 15 > > Personality: Shes very Silent and Mysterious. and Silent too, She is very Unemotional and Doesn't care if 1 or 2 people Drop dead in front of her, She is Pretty capable of doing very. Evil things. Shes basically that Silent girl > > Bio: Not much is known about her. Nobody really knows who she is. except when the Rumor about the Mansion had Appeared, She was Spotted In the Mansion, Near a graveyard, and Always goes to school on Friday but No other day. Her parents are nowhere to be seen and Nobody really knows about her. Some people even Made Rumors that she was a ghost > > Worst Fear: She is afraid of Pills > > Mai wish: to be a ghost, and to get revenge on all of those who were mean to her > > Other page. There's one titled "characters". ---------------- Never mind: Looks like you found it. Thank you!