Ahnasha became almost as nervous as she could possibly be once Fendos started to give the full explanation. She was anxious enough that she had to remind herself to breathe. For many, the reaction to hear that they were talking to a werewolf was fear, followed by running, fighting, or at least sweating and nervousness, depending upon the person. Fortunately, Llarasa remained calm, perhaps because it was her brother she was speaking to, not a beast. Even so, it was not a pleasant conversation, and the periodic shouting upset Rhazii enough that she had to rock him in her arms to quiet him down. Finally, it seemed that the conversation was making progress. Fendros was able to hug his sister in their mutual sadness. Being away from his family, he could not have known how deeply his loss would have affected them, and for a moment, Ahnasha's thoughts shifted to her own family and what they might have went through. Her worries were short-lived, however, as she snapped back into the moment once Fendros said her name. At the very least, Llarasa seemed to be more open-minded than how Fendros described the rest of his family. When she offered to shake Ahnasha's hand, she took a moment to shift Rhazii in her lap so that she could hold onto him with one arm, then returned the handshake. "Likewise." Ahnasha responded. An awkward silence followed, as none of them seemed to know where to go from there, so Ahnasha quickly decided to break the silence. "I...am sorry for all of the pain this has caused you. Leaving one's home and family...it is _never_ easy, but there was no other way. Newly turned lycans, they are dangerous, primal, and indiscriminate. They are what give us our...reputation. Like the one that attacked Fendros. It had been killing in the area for a while before it attacked him. We had been trying to find it, but...we were too late. This...condition was not something your brother chose; it was forced upon him. I wish things could have been different, but..." She began, looking down at Rhazii, who was now chewing on the end of his tail while staring at Llarasa with a curious gaze. "...there has been good to come out of it all." --- Meesei smiled and nodded to Sabine. "Of course...though that will take some time to teach, and we may not have time here in the city. We might have more of a chance to practice once we reach Bruma, but I can give some advice. Unless you live in the city, you are not going to just _know_ your way around without a map. Every city is set up differently. Often, you have to ask for directions. You have to be comfortable talking to people. Although, you have to be cautious of _who_ you speak to. Guards can be a good first option. Speaking of, we asked the guards to look for you, and they are likely still doing so. We should go tell them that you have been found."