**Name:** Celine Branwen **Age:** She appears to be in her mid to early twenties **Gender:** Female **Race:** Human - _Lescanzi _ **Appearance: ** ![http://i496.photobucket.com/albums/rr328/dreamingflowers1992/BattleWitch_zps41723e27.png](http://i496.photobucket.com/albums/rr328/dreamingflowers1992/BattleWitch_zps41723e27.png "enter image title here") A woman of otherworldly beauty which incomprehensibly draws you in. Snowy skin which has never felt the touch of cold steel. Her raven hair is kept long to flow down her shoulders, reaching down to her back. An enigmatic look is often present on her face, pale eyes cold and unreadable. While her stature might not be very impressive she makes up for her lack of physical prowess with a sharp tongue. **Personality:** Intelligent but also cold and detached. Rather emotionless she seldom even smiles. Strong and independent, she doesn't like help from others and does things on her own. This can make her appear distant and untrusting but there is more to her than meets the eye. When it comes to battle she has an incredible sense of self preservation. She will do anything to ensure her own survival. However that doesn't mean she won't help her allies on the battlefield granted her own life is not at risk. She is a religious woman who honors and repects the Dark Sister and her fierce hound. The Goddess to her is like a sister who always has her back, protecting her from unseen enemies. All the customs and beliefs she was taught as a child have stayed with her and she lives by them faithfully. **Character type and traits:** _Battle Witch_ – Positive: Calm, Observant / Negative: Mysterious, secretive **History:** Celine was born in a traveling caravan on one of the many roads in Dalan. An illegitimate child like her many brothers and sisters. Her mother didn't have an occupation worth mentioning and her greatest success was capturing the affection of her father. The man whos identity to this day remains a mystery. Despite the absence of a mother she has fond memories of her childhood. The girl was raised by her grandmother. Though her life was anything but dull. Her grandmother was a Godswife. Many people came to visit her, they asked questions none but she could answer, she found a cure where there was none and offered protection against evil. Aside from her responsibilities as a caretaker the old woman saw to it that her craft was passed on to the next generation, to ensure its survival. Her grandmother taught her the ways of her people and she was trained from an early age in the use of herbs and magic. She lived free of worries until she was about 13 years old, but at that point life changed drastically. Many of the people in Dalan resented the Lescanzi, some feared the bastard children would one day show up and claim the wealth of their noble father. Others were afraid their blood would be tainted by their mongrel ways. It was this resentment that cost Celine her family. They were forced to split up during an attack on their caravan and she was arrested. After she got out she reunited with a distant cousin and had to survive in a harsh world. She learned from her mistakes and used the skills taught to her to escape a life of hell. This event has turned her into the woman she is today. After finally turning life around, she now works as help for hire. By doing so, she hopes to find answers to the events of the past and finally find peace within herself. **Equipment:** - A set of 13 silver throwing knives engraved with magical symbols - Lightweight armor which includes a breastplate, gauntlets and shoulder pieces - Several pouches of healing salves, ointments and powdered incense - Small sack with provisions and other supplies - A set of clothes to wear outside of battle consisting of a pair of form fitting trousers, knee high boots, a peasant blouse and a leather bodice to cinch in her waist **Other: ** -