![enter image description here](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/182/6/f/Vampire__The_Masquerade_Clans_by_IAmInsaneNoImNot.jpg "enter image title here") Hey there folks, this is very much a purely interest check to see if there is any fanbase in The World of Darkness universe on here, currently. I have no real plan as to an actual story or plot line yet, as I don't feel like I'm the most qualified to make one myself, having only played Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines and browsed the wiki and not read any of the books. Therefore, if anyone is interested, I'd like at least one co-GM to help me formulate this RP and story, and if enough interest is shown in terms of players, then we'll proceed with the RP. So, anyone interested?