[img]http://gamesgag.com/public/contents/medium/daff04bca5088ae20857ec0469e319bf.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Marcus R. H. Goldstein [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Weapon:[/b] [img]http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/4711/752u.jpg[/img] [i]Elegantly unsubtle[/i], a custom tank built from the ground up as a platform for the enormous L7A1 cannon. A single shot is designed to knock out Goliaths, and outright vaporises smaller Grimm. As secondary weapons, the tank carries 2 heavy machine-guns and 12 single shot grenade launchers. The massive firepower comes at a price: Marcus [b]needs[/b] close quarters fighters to keep Grimm at bay if the beasts manage to close the distance. While [i]Unsubtle[/i] has tough armour it is not impenetrable and neither does it carry unlimited machine-gun ammunition. The tank's mobility is very poor compared to a hunter on foot, although in a straight line it can go at a decent clip. Because it is impractical to bring the tank with him everywhere, [i]Unsubtle[/i] is normally airlifted to where it is needed and otherwise resides in a hangar at Beacon. Lastly, a fact that is often under-appreciated is that [i]Unsubtle[/i] can carry an absolutely ridiculous amount of gear. A functional stove, a generously stocked field medicine kit, plenty of spare ammunition and parts for both itself and teammates and a portable how water shower are all standard. [b]Speciality:[/b] Long range to extremely long range. Marcus is the quintessential sniper and artillery support character. The raw damage output of the Big Gun can best be described as ‘apocalyptic’. The trade off is simple. While not a delicate flower by any stretch, [i]Unsubtle[/i] is difficult to repair in the field and possess practically no melee ability. It has a long reload time on the main gun, and great care must be taken with shot placement to avoid friendly fire. Proper teamwork is mandatory for Marcus. Unsupported, he will die unless he can snipe his opponent before that happens. As a result his fighting style is characterised by long moments of tense silence as he hunts for that one perfect shot. Marcus is a poor combatant outside of his tank. While he does have the muscles of a blacksmith, he carries only a revolver for self defence and barely practices martial arts. [b]Semblance:[/b] Technological - Marcus can become partially a digital existence, fusing his consciousness to sufficiently advanced computers he touches. His aura extends to whatever machine he is merged with, fuelling and protecting it. Primarily he uses this to merge his mind with the central system on the '_Unsubtle_' to be the driver, gunner, loader and commander at the same time. [b]Personality:[/b] A straight laced officer and a gentleman, very organised and clean. Marcus is stoic and has difficulty expressing his emotions normally. His biggest drive is a need to prove to himself and his family that his idea for a long ranged support unit is a good one. While most of his family are front line hunters, he was always more of an engineer. When it was finally discovered that his semblance was practically useless in a fight he very nearly got cast out completely, until he came up with the schematics for the [i]Elegantly Unsubtle[/i]. [b]Emblem:[/b] A golden star with a line shooting straight up out of it on a black background. [b]Appearance:[/b] Marcus has a stern angular face with a hawk nose. His sharp golden eyes are usually hidden in the shadow of his peaked cap. His neatly combed light brown hair can occasionally be seen underneath it. Over a standard green coverall goes an officer's greatcoat in standard Goldstein reddish brown. It is decorated with small lines of gold. A short and broad build is the result of long hours spent carrying heavy parts around on his own. Calloused, deft hands go clasped behind his back when they are not fiddling with one device or another. A toolbelt lined with many, many pockets and tools goes around his waist, over the longcoat. A simple, elegantly crafted revolver rests on his right hip. Basic, sturdy steel toed boots are on his feet.