Tim stayed put, balling his hand into a fist and releasing it a few times, just to make sure it was still his. He wasn't sure. He lifted his hands into eye sight, double checking. His hand was still, not shaking at all. He touched his face to conclude that yes, indeed, this was his hand and yes, indeed, he was in control of it. He just dint understand how. Any other time, touching someone else would have sent him into a downward spiral of apologies and anxieties. He would have recoiled at the slightest touch. Touching people is bad. But he touched Sophia, and he felt... good. That was weird to him. That was not something that happened to him. Tim never just felt _good_ about touching people. He looked at his hand one last time before shaking his head and sliding it into his pocket. He exhaled loudly, not realizing that he had been holding his breath. He chuckled to himself at the prospect of the whole situation. He looked at the computer again, the picture of the strange tunnel still up on its screen. It was so out of place in the cave they were in. That whole entire room was out of place, actually, but he couldn't quite place what it was that seemed so off. He wondered why.