Jester lay his head against the cold stone wall behind him and closed his eyes, listening, waiting for something to happen. He was deathly bored so any distraction was welcome, then came the sounds of footsteps approaching slowly. They sounded as though they were coming closer, Jester opened his eyes and looked around but saw nothing but the damp floor, and mossy walls. He heard the sounds becoming louder and decided to find out what the source of them was, he lifted himself up and peered around a corner, not even ten feet away he saw someone. They wore bright colored clothes and a cape seemingly trying to look like a super hero. No longer fearful of what was coming in his direction Jester put on his most friendly smile and approached the vibrantly colored man. "Who are you?" asked Jester "Why are you here". "I was told there was a hero meeting here" the man replied. Jester was admittedly curious now and wished to know more "I think you have the wrong address" Jester called back. "Shit, I have no idea where I am" the man responded "Could you help me out man?". Jesters mouth tugged into a sly smile "Of course, where do you need to go?". "Here" the colorful man handed him a note with an address, one of the numbers was smudged "Here is your problem, you came to 3745 instead of 8745". The man swore and thanked Jester, as he turned to leave Jester called out to him "Hey, there's one more thing". "What is it?" the man asked. "I need you to die" replied Jester simply. He rushed towards the wannabe hero and reached out a single hand, as soon as it made contact with his skin the man flipped inside out, his organs quivering attempting to adjust to their new environment; blood seeped from every hole, then the mass of flesh and bone ceased to move.