I might be a little while longer getting a sheet up for this, unfortunately - hopefully that's alright! I'm flying back to Australia from Ireland in two days, so I'm spending time with my family who live here and such before I go. :) I watched an _awesome_ video about historical archery, though - and it's made me want to play a raider who hunts in his spare time, and could possibly fight by shooting a bow when not in the shield wall - or, perhaps from behind its protection. It was a video which sort of.. shattered my preconceptions about historical archers, and showed that they were actually a _lot_ more mobile than I thought they would of been - making them quite a bit deadlier on the battlefield (although I'm not sure if Vikings would have used/had access to the same techniques). Anywho, I'll get to work on a sheet as soon as I can, and I'll link the video for you guys to watch if you're interested! :) [Click here for the video!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEG-ly9tQGk)