Name: Evan Rider Gender: Male Age: 13 Derse or Prospit?: Prospit Fetch Modus: Wild Card (Fetch Modus becomes a deck of cards and you choose one card. That card brings out the item for you to use. To addan item, it functions the same way, so you better hope you draw a blank card. WARNING: Be careful when captchalogging large items!) Strife Specibus: Glove-kind Weapon: Bright pink boxing gloves Sprite: (Pre-entry): An old cow bone, Moo-sprite (Post-entry): A pocket-watch was added, creating Pokemoo-sprite Server Player:N/A Client Player:N/A Title: Prince of Rage Medium: Land of Fury and Storms Denizen: Lyssa Description/Picture: A tall, skinny kid with somewhat unkempt dirty-blonde hair at medium length and baggy hazel eyes. He wears dark blue jeans and a black shirt. He often wears and old military jacket and has all sorts of snacks in the pockets. His symbol, a single fist raised, is on the front of his shirt. (Hey decayedAngel, since you're a Knight of SPACE, your land name should be changed to the Land of Glitter and Frogs. Otherwise the session would fail outright since there would be no new universe to make.)