A young woman sat at a desk made of deep mahogany and engraved across the top with her family name, "Chambers". Her home was The old home was covered in vines that stretched across the home, forming a sort of lattice work of deep green. The house was dimly lit by only a few little candles lights and a computer screen. The city could been seen from the higher portions of the house, but it was far enough away to be nice and quiet. The raven haired woman was staring at the screen intently, her fingers typing away in a flurry. Her eyes were intense, easily seen through her black-rimmed glasses. That was her job, after all; Article Editor and Lead Writer for a nature magazine. She had finally found the job that she wanted. It paid well enough, and it was simple, oh so simple. Most of all, she enjoyed the freedom it allowed her. The forest was her home after all, and she has a deep love for nature, animals, and the Earth in general. The girl grinned as she cracked her knuckles. It had been a long night of writing. She looked at the clock on her wall, and it read twelve-thirty. In the afternoon. "Oh, for the love of...damn. Again. I didn't sleep again. I guess it's time to take a break, or something. Maybe I should eat? Yeah that sounds amazing right about now." Morgan said, standing up and stretching. Morgan was dressed in a form fitting dress and complimented her thin body nicely, only revealing a certain amount of her pale skin. The view outside was stunning, or at least it still was to Morgan after twenty-one years. The forest was bright green, the trees old and tall, and the air clean, bright and earthy. Morgan smiled widely, revealing her porcelain white teeth. "What a beautiful morning. Ah, I could stare at that all day and not let a worry in the world interrupt me..." She mumbled aloud to herself. As if anyone could hear her words anyway. The entire home was empty, aside from her. _Knock Knock_ "Just who would that be?" She said, walking down the winding staircase towards the oak door, opening it. There was nothing but a dog at the doorstep, and a note attached to her forehead, which read something along the lines of "Here's the dog, we can't take care of it anymore." Morgan sighed and looked down at the canine, and spoke. "Well....Hi there, puppy." She mumbled while scratching the dogs head.