_WARLORD CS_ ![Picture](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/311/2/0/askeladd_by_kanomaru-d4f550z.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Argin Kellsson Age: 42 Your people gave you a nickname?: Argin Bloodsail Normal clothes: Very simple knee length tunic that has been dyed dark gray, fur lined leather boots, a very wide belt and a heavy fur lined cape that has been dyed white. Weapons (optional): A wolfs head pommel short sword, 4 throwing axes and a long knife. Armor: ![Armor](http://www.google.fi/imgres?imgurl=http://static.zerochan.net/Vinland.Saga.full.704031.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.zerochan.net/704031&h=1200&w=907&tbnid=iaNv_WSSYlDhnM:&zoom=1&docid=atE4XzBkeVYavM&ei=jPLCVN2uNOrlywPS3IGoCQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CBwQMygAMAA "enter image title here") Skills: Good speaker, exceptionally skilled liar and diplomat, above average swordsman, skilled sailor and navigator, quick on his feet despite his advancing age. Info: Argin's father was Kell, one of the most feared pirates of his time - some even say that Kell Ardsson was very much the most feared man of his time with stories of his raids and crimes still being told in taverns and around campfires more than 25 years after his death. Like his father before him Argin's lot in life became leading a band of pirates - not just any pirates, but the men from the Isle of Klovig. He has done his part in terrorizing border settlements from the age of at least 20 and has earned quite a reputation for himself - and has caused the Klovigians to be even more distrusted among the other provinces. Not important info: Argin has a fanatical fondness to green apples. PROVINCE CS__ Name: Isle of Klovig Flag: ![enter image description here](http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2009/346/7/1/Viking_Raven_Banner_by_dennistraberg.jpg "enter image title here") Geographic description (see the map!): The large island directly west from the westernrnmost point of Du'an Capital city: Kell's Harbor 4 Important cities: Port city of Arvig, port city of Hyl, port city of Krelig, fortess city of Urgot Religion?: People of all beliefs are welcome to Klovig Customs?: Klovig has always gotten it's money from two things - fishing and yearly raiding expeditions. Klovigians are a bit simple and quite warlike folk that seem hostile at first towards all foreigners. They are excellent sailors and navigators. Their raids begin in spring and end with the coming of first snow. More info?: This year's raids are notably late. ARMY CS___ Unit types: ![Foot Soldiers](http://thornews.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/stian-dahlslett-viking-warriors.jpg?w=700&h=494 "enter image title here") ![Dragon Ships](http://www.dragonharaldfairhair.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/VikingShip1.jpeg "enter image title here") More info?: Since the Klovigians prefer quick raids over prolonged combat their forces do not have dedicated long range units or cavalry, every man carries four throwing axes in addition to their weapon of choice - usually axes or maces with some spears here and there to counter cavalry. War and peace