Llarasa nodded blankly at all Ahnasha had to say. Despite Fendros' predictions that she wouldn't be angry, a confused whirlwind of emotion was whirring in her head, trying to make sense of it all. Her high emotions at the time didn't help matters at all. She responded slowly as her thoughts tried to keep up, "Well, I suppose if it is like that, then you can't come home. I mean...father is going to kill you." Llarasa took her eyes of Rhazii and faced Fendros again, "Really, he might run you through for this." Fendros grinned and almost laughed, "Are you angry?" Llarasa raised her brow and shook her head. "I'm not angry, but I'm not sure how I should feel. I feel like I should still be angry for you disappearing, but I think it should be romantic and warm that you found someone. As well, I should be happy that you don't feel that Khajiit should be picked on anymore, but it's just...I think I'm mostly surprised." Llarasa looked to Ahnasha, "You're going to have to tell me how you two fell in love at some point, because I'm having trouble." Llarasa rubbed the back of her head, "I guess you don't want me to tell Mother, Father, and Monderyn, then." "I think it would be best if you kept it from them, yes. All of what I have told you, in fact." Fendros nodded, "Are any of them here?" "It's just me and Monderyn. We're here to market the new vintage. He's out trading right now. I was with him until I found your friend, the Breton girl. Sabine, she said she was." Llarasa looked sideways at Fendros, "Is she a part of your...pack, as you said? She's a werewolf as well?" "That's right. I think she was separated from the rest of the group while they were walking around the city. She's not used to cities." "I thought so." Bringing her mind back to the original issue, Llarasa faced Fendros properly. "Where have you been all this time? Still in the forest outside Cheydinhal?" Fendros blinked and shook his head. "No. We have been travelling a lot. There are a variety of reasons why, but it is best that you do not know. Trust me. I will say that we have been to Vvardenfell in Morrowind and the northern half of Black Marsh." "Azura blind me...that's...you must have been moving the entire time." Llarasa seemed so overwhelmed by it all that she might faint, "No wonder Monderyn couldn't find you." Llarasa shook her head as if trying to shake the thought out of her head, "Never mind that, I would like to hear of the good things. How did you two fall in love?" With an uneasy combination of exhaling and laughing, Fendros looked away and considered. It still didn't feel like the most flattering tale. He looked at Ahnasha with a pleading smile, perhaps she could recount it, or at least start the story off. --- Though she didn't show it, Sabine was glad that she could get some advice about cities. She didn't hesitate to agreeing to go with Meesei to inform the guards to stop looking. As they walked, Sabine wondered if the guards had something to enhance their scent and help to find things in the city, but she was swiftly doubtful. Non-lycans didn't have that sense of smell normally. She had almost forgotten what it was like to not have such a sense of smell.