Kell's Harbor was buzzing with activity - at the harbor 40 Dragon Ships were being prepared to set sail and to carry soldiers to their yearly raiding trips - or so it seemed, however the port cities of Arvig, Krelig and Hyl were also preparing ships to form a combined fleet of 60 Dragon Ships that would bring an army of 3900 men to the mainland. The number of warriors was equal to 80 % of the male population of Klovig and the largest fleet the Klovigians had mustered in over 75 years. Argin 'Bloodsail' Kellsson watched the preparations eagerly whilst eating an apple - a green one, bit too sweet for his taste - and smiled faintly. He had planned this raid since the last snowfall and had been forced to give up a hefty part of his fortune to build an army of such magnitude. He himself would lead 10 ships - a force of 650 men on a raid west to the province of Du'an while the rest of the fleet would head to the northeastern provinces. He wondered if the force he was planning on leading could force the people of Du'an in to a trade agreement or even intimidate them in to an alliance of sorts - he was certainly not above doing mercenary work if it paid well enough and there probably was some war or another between the southern warlords that he could offer to join in exchange of a hefty sum of gold, foodstuffs and other such commodities. In exchange he would solemnly vow that the province he'd offer the might of Klovig would be safe from raids in the future - that would be one of the vows he was actually going to keep if things would go his way. Argin pulled the heavy cape tighter around his broad shoulders and gazed far to the horizon, towards the west - towards Du'an. In front of him stood the 650 men group he would be leading personally. Calmly the aging warrior straightened up, tossed away the mostly eaten apple and took a deep breath. "Fathers, sons and brothers of Klovig! Today we set sail again in search of riches, be it gold, silver or silk! Today we once again set sail towards bloodshed and glory! Today a new journey begins to alleviate the hardships of winter and to warm ourselves with the burning villages of our enemies! Still, we shall also bring a message to the southern lords! A message of peace and a fair offer of friendship! An offer of comradery and the strength of our sword arms! Remember this men of Klovig! If our offer of friendship is spat back at us like bile we shall burn EVERYTHING in our wake! Onwards to your ships! Onwards to glory!" He finished his speech by unsheathing his sword and pointing it towards the docked ships. Three hours later the 10 ship fleet of Argin Kellsson was moving towards the province of Du'an - it would take them a long time to reach their destination, but it was all worth the wait even in the bleak Dragon Ships. Argin stood at the bow of his ship, staring to the west and smiling. Treaty or no his men would eat well this winter.