Ahnasha scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. The story of their romance wasn't, well, romantic, at least not its beginning. Although, Llarasa did not precisely ask for the story of their initial encounter, so she did not have to start with that. "Ah, well, if you want the story of how we fell in _love_, it is not that special, really. We spent quite a lot of time together; every day, in fact. Living in a pack out in the wilds, you are always with each other, you rely on each other. For most, it creates a sense of family that is stronger than simple blood relations, but for us, it was something more. It started out as just close friendship. Honestly, it did not take him too long to get over his former notions about Khajiit, all things considered. We headed into Morrowind not long after he turned, and we always found ourselves together. Being in his ancestral homeland gave us quite a lot to talk about, and we talked quite a lot. Sometimes, long into the night. Crossing the ashlands was difficult, to say the least, and we passed through some of the most desolate parts of Vvardenfell. Honestly, it was a bleak, depressing place, but even without trying, Fendros kept up my spirits in a different way than the rest of the pack could. By the time we reached our destination, we just kind of...knew. Of course, there was a reason that we spent so much time together. That reason eventually became the fact that we greatly enjoyed each other's company, but at first..well, I was kind of...already pregnant with our son, your nephew, Rhazii. That story doesn't have _quite_ the same romantic charm, unfortunately." She explained, giving a slightly embarrassed chuckle. --- Meesei and Sabine left the inn to inform the guard to call off their search. They had initially told one of the guards in a different part of the city, but Meesei reasoned that it would be quicker to simply go to the nearest guard tower in the Market district. The guards had messengers, so the word would likely spread quickly no matter where they went. Fortunately, the guard towers in each district were located at the walls dividing the districts, and with how much they had looked around before, Meesei was able to guide them directly to it. Stepping into the tower's front room, it was actually a guard who saw them first. She was a Nord woman in full heavy armor, apart from the helmet, sitting behind a desk with a mass of paperwork in front of her. There were markings of rank on her armor, though that seemed to mean that she had to deal with considerable logistics for her district. "Greetings citizen, do you have any trouble you need to re...hey, you look like a girl we're meant to be finding." The Nord commented as they stepped up to the desk. Meesei returned a smile. "Yes, this is Sabine. We became separated before, but someone found and helped return her to us." Meesei explained. "Ah, well that's good, at least. I guess I'll have someone send word to call off the search." She responded, making a quick note on a parchment to her left before leaning forward on her desk with her hands clasped together, looking at Sabine with a grin. "So, what kind of trouble did you get yourself into?"