![Tony](http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/23300000/Hijikata-Toshirou-anime-guys-23377142-1200-845.jpg "enter image title here") Height: 5'11" Weight: 165 lbs Name: Tony Hart Age: 18 Gender: male Powers: [Velocity Manipulation](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Velocity_Manipulation) Skills and Hobbies: Tony has played the guitar since he was 13 years old. He rarely goes anywhere without the one he owns. He likes to play sports, especially football; and he likes to box. Hart enjoys the outdoors and has a knack for rock climbing. He works at a local coffee shop. Personality: TBR - funny - charming - outgoing - short temper Background: TBR, he came to the academy because he just wants to fit in and be around others like him. Tony Theme song: Bullet In My Hand by Redlight King Clubs: football team, boxing Dreams: Tony wants what any guy would want. He wants to get a job, have a family, the whole package. He wants to fit in with society and not have to worry about his abilities.