NOTE: I also made up some names to make the backstory and such more readable and real, these aspects are up to you though. I hope this all posts right. Name: Juren Description: Juren is a large man with a broad build, standing at nearly 6’4”. He is a light-skinned, black-haired man who was born of a woman in the north colonies. His father, however, was a mountain-dweller, and as such he inherited their signature black eyes, sclera and all, which he hides with a small totem hung around his neck. He keeps his hair neatly braided when he can, otherwise he keeps it in a short pony tail that reaches to just between his shoulder blades. He allows his beard to grow to about an inch long before he deems it too much trouble, and cuts it off again. He wears a light gray tunic and pants when not on duty. Juren appears to be in his mid to late twenties, and as such shows little signs of the rapid aging that a mercenary experiences. Juren isn’t an educated man, not by a long shot, but he’s no fool, and knows how to handle himself independently. Backstory: Now, anybody from the far-south of Verloren will tell you that the people who live in the Isachaar mountains far to the north are giants and demons, made of frost and stone and seething hatred for anything, or anyone, that ventures into those mountains. Tales are told of the brutality of its denizens to keep the youth of the southern provinces in line. The truth is, however, often not as it seems, and there even exists trade between those that live in the mountains and the northern provinces. The people of the mountains usually keep to themselves, venturing down only to collect berries and let animals graze when the seasons are right. They are frightening people though; they grow to almost seven feet tall and have eyes black as night. Although the trade has become more commonplace, any kind of relations beyond that were completely unheard of, until Juren’s mother, Aloise, gave birth to him. Instantly, the young woman became an outcast. Quickly finding out that even begging could not feed her and her newborn, she made for a different, larger settlement, and began to beg there, occasionally peddling her skills as an apprentice seamstress to gain whatever she could. Eventually, when Juren was around twelve years old, Aloise earned enough to have a totem crafted that made his eyes seem normal, with dark blue irises. They began to beg together, but before long, Alois discovered that she could make more money selling her body than simply begging for their supper, so she took to prostitution. They made more money and found a place to live for a few years, until Juren’s mother didn’t come home one morning. Her body was found in the street a ways up the road, whether lost to some nobleman’s twisted passions or simply an accident, he did not know. Juren raged when he saw his mother lying in a pool of her own blood on the roadside, tossed aside like a crust of bread. He turned on the first man he saw, beating the man senseless and spending several nights in jail because of it. When he was released, he soon discovered that he could exploit his advantage of size, and found a small mercenary company to work for. He learned how to handle a sword and bow, but it never seemed to suit him as much as the more blunt weapons did. He learned quickly how to handle a greathammer, adopting heavier plate armor to compliment his style and larger frame. The outfit he was with was absorbed into the White Guard about five years ago, allowing him more freedom to travel, which brought him to Belencrest. Goals/Fears: For a long time, Juren swore revenge on whoever killed his mother, but as time passed, the idea faded in his mind. His goals moved towards finding a wife and having children, settling down when the time was right and he’d earned enough money. He is unsure of this, and fears that since he knows almost no trade or skill than that of a sellsword, he will not be able to provide for his family. As a result of this, he fears that he may be a sellsword for the rest of his life, and fears that he will die before he makes a family of his own. Mastery: Juren is adept with the bow and shortsword, but excels at combat either unarmed or with a two-handed maul. His style relies on closing distances to his opponents, and overpowering them quickly. Equipment: Aside from plate armor and his greathammer, he carries two daggers and a backpack with basic necessities, a pipe and tobacco, leather strips and a sharpening stone. Personality: Juren is a quiet man, though not an unpleasant one. He finds arrogance irritating, especially from people who claim to be better than others. As a resident on the fringe of society, he finds it hard to judge people who do what they need to do to get by, and Juren himself has been known to bend rules to get what he wants. He has always had a bit of a dislike for following orders, the more frivolous ones gaining most of his ire; like the silly fabric the White Guard made them wear, and guarding things that didn’t need to be guarded. Totem: Juren’s totem is a spherically-shaped piece of steel, with a simple, angular three-dimensional design inside of it. It allows him to pass as a human, for all intents and purposes, and hides his nature as a half-breed of humans and the folk that live in the mountain. If he takes the totem off and gets more than arm’s length away from it, his eyes fade to black again.