It was morning and Sophia's phone was ringing. She jerked awake, picked it up, and stared at it groggily. The time said it wasn't long after seven. Then she focused on the caller ID to see who was calling. _Tim._ Still completely out of it she slid the icon on the phone to pick it up. Lifting it to her ear she answered in a sleepy voice, "Hello?" "Sophia, it's Tim," Tim said, sounding a little frantic. "I... I need you to come over here. I'm freaking out. I don't know what to do." Instantly Sophia was awake and she threw off her covers, turned to sit with her legs dangling off her bed. "Stay calm," she instructed him with a gentle firmness. "Breathe, Tim. Just breathe. What's going on?" Sophia heard Tim trying to breath, trying to stay calm. But he was having trouble keeping it together. "What's going on?" She repeated. "The tunnel," Tim finally gasped. "The tunnel. Like from the park. It's here. In my apartment. My living room." Sophia swore. Then she calmed down and said, "Alright, Tim. Stay calm. Don't go in it. Don't even touch it. I'll be there soon." "Ok. Ok. Just... please get here quickly, Sophia. Please." Then the call ended. Sophia didn't even bother to put on day clothes. She just threw a jacket over her pajamas and slipped on her tennis shoes, grabbed her keys and wallet. She hurried to the cafe and rushed up to Tim's apartment. Sophia didn't even need to knock. Tim had heard her coming and had pulled the door open for her. She slipped inside and they shut the door and locked it. Her eyes went wide in surprise as she saw the tunnel with its glittering jewels.