[b]Video Gadgeteer Q4 Fall, 1989 HQs: Medicine Hat, Alberta (CA/US) $2,050,000[/b] (was $43,550,000) --- [b][i]Eccojari[/i] and the Game Pocket released![/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ljQWFRR.png[/img] The Game Pocket (pictured above) is now available for $250, or $300 in a bundle with Eccojari. Eccojari is also being sold separately for $50. [i][b]Notable Game Pocket Features[/b][/i] - Infra-red multiplayer - Black-and-green monochrome screen - Cartridge slot - Requires three AA batteries - Devkit costs $1,000,000 [b]Video Gadgeteer presents...[/b] [i][b]Eccojari[/b][/i] Topic: Mons Genre: RPG (Mons Series) Price: $50 Platforms: Game Pocket Audience: Rated E for Everyone Languages: English, Spanish, French, Japanese Markets: North America, Japan - Crisp black-and-green graphics - Over 250 different Eccojari to train and battle with! - Choose between three Eccojari as your starting partner. - Explore the nation of Brico, from Obsidian Town to Carnelian City! - Mono Sound - Post-game bonus areas! Explore the underground cave networks to find even more Eccojari! - Battle against your friends using the Game Pocket's infrared link! [b]Plot:[/b] What exactly happened to our world all those years ago? Some people say it was occultists rediscovering magic, or mad science unleashing something that couldn't be controlled. Others say an alien life form somehow ended up on this planet and multiplied. We don't know the truth. It's lost to time. All we know is that the ways of the old world are over. The Eccojari are here, and they can do things we thought impossible. So what exactly are the Eccojari? Derived from the English word "echo" and an Old Norse word for warrior, Eccojari are lifeforms, or something superficially similar to them, capable of releasing a form of energy which causes anomalous effects on their environment. From producing fire without a fuel source to rewinding the flow of time, there is seemingly nothing which is beyond the capabilities of a sufficiently-powerful Eccojari. They live in all manner of different environments, natural or artificial, and come in over 250 different documented varieties, most of which are capable of changing their shape in a manner similar to metamorphosis. It is believed that whatever allows them to spontaneously metamorphose is also what allowed them to assume their distinct forms, which are notable for mimicking the physical and metaphorical properties of living beings, inanimate objects and even metaphysical concepts. The Eccojari have had a profound effect on the world ever since they arrived. For example, the ecosystem has been permanently altered. Numerous species of fauna have gone extinct, with their niches miraculously filled by Eccojari with similar traits. Economy and societal structure have changed as well. Some groups view the Eccojari as a business model, marketing them with merchandise and media. Others believe they are the athletes of the future, coaching whole teams of them to spar using their powers in a gripping new contact sport. As Eccojari are intelligent but simple creatures, with few cares other than a filling meal and the thrill of a good scrap, still others are introverts who see them as the perfect pets and an alternative to human social contact. I would wager that their most important status is as the ultimate mystery, one which, when solved, might help us unlock the secrets of the universe. Scientists have been studying the Eccojari and their abilities for centuries, but there's still a lot we don't know about how their bodies and minds function, particularly concerning their relations with humans. To help spur along the discovery, you will be embarking on a very important journey. With a young but eager Eccojari as your companion, your job is to travel from city to city and town to town. Compete with your peers, recruit new Eccojari, and test your mettle against expert coaches, commanding teams of skilled combatants who won't go down without a fight. Emerge victorious, and you may find yourself in the prestigious ranks of the Amber Institute's Hall of Fame, destined to go down in history. Not bad for a college field study. (-$400,000 for publishing [i]Eccojari[/i]) (-$40,000,000 for developing Game Pocket console) --- [b][i]Gadgeteer Kitten 1.5[/i] marketed![/b] The Game Pocket sequel to the PC mascot platformer by Video Gadgeteer is now being advertised in newspapers and magazines in North America and Japan. The Japanese ads are decidedly "cuter" than the North American ones. (-$1,500,000 for mini marketing) --- "Are you effing kidding me, Oliver?!" Jerod yelled in the meeting room. "You spent all that money on the Game Pocket and now we're barely able to pay the employees! I appreciate the massive pay cut you took, but you said Gadgeteer Kitten, Aquatopia and Fractalspace would gut us our money back!" "That was before Draconic Games sent the cease-and-desist. We were making 3 million a month off of those cabinets, now they're a liability. There was no way we could have seen this coming, its not like I have a magic artifact in my pocket that can tell me some company in Atlanta released a game like ours!" Oliver Zehn defended. "This is a nightmare, but we're just going to have to deal with it."