"He has been fine for the past three months. He gets angry quickly, but he doesn't get violent anymore." Llarasa's tone tried to play off her fear, but her demeanour gave it away, "I'm just worried that he'll get angry again if he finds out that you're here, Fendros." Llarasa looked at Fendros solemnly, "Just stay away from him, find another place to stay, or just stay in your room out of sight, I don't care, but just don't let him find out." Fendros looked forward and down sternly. At times, Monderyn and him were inseparable. Even if they weren't brothers by blood, they shared a sibling bond. Monderyn may have been rash and followed along with Fendros' plans too much, but it was hard to imagine him getting so angry that he would hurt Llarasa. "I can't let him continue to hurt you, Llarasa. Let me talk to him-" "No, please." Llarasa interrupted surprisingly calmly. She squeezed Fendros' arm and pleaded, "He's finally accepted that you're gone. He was upset and angry because he always looked up to you. I remember hearing him muttering that you abandoned him forever. If he knows why you left, it makes more sense that he would be angry for longer." Llarasa looked at Rhazii's smile as the cub tugged at a lock of her hair, "And you know how he is about beast races. He was worse than you. All this at once would make him explode, I know it. If we leave it, he can live in peace." Llarasa's stare bore into Fendros' eyes, desperately halting the anger that was building within him. "Please..." Llarasa whispered. As much as he tried, Fendros couldn't see any other way about it that wouldn't put Llarasa or the pack at risk. He pursed his lips and swallowed his anger, then responded. "Very well. I'll stay in my room, out of sight. He won't recognise the rest of the pack." Llarasa smiled gratefully, "Thank you." Fendros couldn't help but look disappointed that the situation couldn't be resolved ideally. "How much time do you have to catch up today, then?" Fendros asked Llarasa. "Actually, I should head back, otherwise Monderyn will come and find me." Llarasa slowly lifted Rhazii back onto Ahnasha's lap, "I'm sorry that I don't have more time..." Llarasa pinched at the end of her index finger with her hands in her lap and looked down sadly again. Fendros was understanding and put his arms around Llarasa again. There was no loud sobbing this time, but she was silently weeping again as she returned the hug. "I'm sorry, sister," Fendros said, "I'm sorry I put you and everyone else through this. I'm glad we could talk, though. I'm glad I could explain." Fendros angled his head to one side, "Are you sure there's nothing we can do about Monderyn?" Llarasa nodded, "I think it is for the best." When they separated, Llarasa wiped one eye and turned to Ahnasha. Even though they were fairly unfamiliar, Llarasa reached a hand to Ahnasha's shoulder. "I hope all goes well with you both..." --- Sabine's mouth twitched and she took a moment to form the words before she spoke. "Meesei, ever since the ritual, not much has scared me anymore. But, more and more things are making me worried again. I feel like I should be old enough not to be a child, but if I keep doing stupid things like getting lost..." Sabine kicked a loose stone along the pavement "...how will I be able to take care of myself without others?"