Name: John Doyle Age: 18 Bio: Since birth, John has always been a charismatic little know it all. His parents were wealthy and influential politicians, Jane and Matthew Doyle, and he was given the best education money could buy. John was popular and smart. Girls loved him and so did teachers. His parents had dreams of him following in their footsteps and becoming a politician. And then in his Junior year, John met a girl. Lucy. And she was bright and beautiful, but in an unconventional, shy, way. He fell in love with her and she brought him into her world of art, saving him from his predetermined destiny. He became interested in film, acting and directing. And then, after applications were sent during senior year, John and Lucy broke up. Not so much broke up as she got accepted to an art school in London, and they decided they didn't want to do the whole long distance thing. Ok so they broke up. But John moved on, and he's majoring in Film at this college, his first choice even. Personality: John is smart in the way that he always knows what to say, and even what to do. He's educated on the world and has his own views. But he isn't exactly an amazing student. He procrastinates and would much rather party than do his work. Except when it comes to his art. His short films and his acting mean everything to him. Maybe cause it's the place where he can be his own person, free from the demands of others. Appearance: John has always been told he was a very handsome boy. He has ocean blue eyes that sort of twinkle with mischeif, and his mouth is always in a slight smirking position. His golden hair is quiffed up and he stands at about six feet tall. His skin is lightly tanned and he also has a smattering of freckles across his nose Facts about John: His favorite color is royal blue. His favorite food is steak. His favorite book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower.