Larek followed Nyx down to check on the egg. It had been a while since she had laid it, and hatching was expected in a month or so. Six weeks at the latest. Veax helped set the table, making sure everything was ready for breakfast. He had been more relaxed than normal lately, now that things were more quiet. Orna rose and got breakfast ready, but she felt a bit out of it today. She had rested quite a bit, but something felt off. Like she was... gravid? She hoped so. Orna suspected it, but didn't want to tell Tran yet, not to get his hopes up without enough proof. Kos was already out in the fields, getting an early start to the day's farming. Back at Larek's farm, a note teleported into the house. This was not unheard of, but it was unusual. Thinking it was from his mother, he opened it. It wasn't. Instead, this was a note from Tala, his aunt. As Aerta's sister, Tala had been expected to have some magical power, but when she was found to have none, she enrolled in a magical college to learn it. Unlike her sorceress sister, Tala was a wizard. In her case, she had less power than Aerta, but Tala was still a capable mage nonetheless. "Huh. My aunt wants to know if we'd like to join her on a trip" Larek told Nyx.