![The Warlord](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-06tLEiQfvug/Tk1ZATX8m3I/AAAAAAAABi0/h2N-NAWsWcw/s1600/berserk_viking_by_overdrivezero-d34r576.jpg "Brute Warlord") Name: Rag'nard Aslock. Age: Fourty Nine years young. Your people gave you a nickname?: Rag'nard the Exiled. Normal clothes: [Basic Clothing](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/65/41/72/654172804b4dad4a8c060867dfc56ed1.jpg) Weapons: A Two-Handed Great-axe made out of a Steel Material, reinforced at the handle for better grip and resistance to any bashes, as well as that he carries a small array of throwing axes for ranged targets and a rusted iron short-sword to cause little damage but a huge impact with such infections like Tetanus. Armor (optional): As shown in the Image a mix between plate-mail and leather to have a very mobile and defensive figure as well as this he exposes the chest to show his honour and courage on the battlefield. Skills: Rallying, A Great Speaker, Honourable and great skills with an axe and sword. Info: A high standing reputation in his clan of fighters and has a reputation of such where he has never lost a single battle in more then a year, the overwhelming number of his forces led him to victory and he stands dominant above all other warlords in his area. Not important info: He's suspected to be quite interested in many people he meets and often challenges them to see if they are stronger. PROVINCE CS__ Name: Burnoufs Anger Flag:[The Bravery of the Clan](http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/250/6/3/custom_flag__01_by_invasiongfx-d5dw0yc.png) Geographic description (see the map!): They hold most of the snowy north areas of the land except for a few specific points to the west and south Capital city: Völsung 4 Important cities: Haeguar, Oslar, Skjöldung, Osiral Religion?: Bases off the old gods. mainly focusing around the God of War believing that killing all that stands before them will grant them high respect with the gods Customs?: Often eating at a lot of feasts, collecting skulls as trophies, forced marriage to please the gods, high honour in any sort of duel and a challenge every week for the position of Warlord More info?: There are many more little villages and patrols often travel for any trespassers in the current area ARMY CS___ Unit types: Besides the ships to be able to get out of such an area there are more to this for exemplar: Berserker/Footsoldiers: The main bulk and meat-shield of the clan, clad dressed in simple leather armour with duel wielding axes or swords, two handed axes or swords or a simple mix of the two, they run straight for their enemy and stop at nothing to maim them, as of the lack of armour however when one dies it often happens that two take his place [Beserker](http://i.imgur.com/gPv8y.jpg) Axe-Throwers: Not really known the Clan for their ranged or cavalry for their ranged they have fearsome Axe-Throwers, less clad in armor however with a lot more at their disposal their purpose is to weaken any force with their axes before charging in themselves, although not as talented as a Berserker they are more mobile then such [Axe Thrower](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/70/6d/32/706d3244a9aabc13ab5b3d83d9c55153.jpg) Clans-guard: Plate covered, two handed wielding maniacs that act as the defence and the personal guard to the Warlord, often the choice for defence, they are not afraid to lie their own life on the line for anyone.[Clans-Guard](http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/095/5/2/concept03_by_vmp82-d60kcps.jpg) Oslars: Either a male or female warrior who hold only a simple spear charge head first into enemy lines, this is to shock the enemy and to weaken them with the fast mobility, Oslars are usually either exiled or rookie warriors testing to see if their courage is worth the actual force [Oslar](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pmLoiOy8Oeo/T231rS8n6tI/AAAAAAAACRM/VG8wG2s_2Zg/s1600/house_mormont_spearman_by_coskoniotis-d4pvvgn.jpg) Bodyguards: Dressed like the Warlord himself except for a simple distinction that the Bodyguards have a large feather on their shields, the Bodyguards are the most talented out of the bunch and will always defend their Warlord, the funny thing is the Bodyguards tend to be women for their shock factor and surprising talent on the battlefield however there are males [Bodyguard](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/30/b0/50/30b0508c61099ed0826bc22a09bd39bf.jpg) More info?: A lot of unit types is understood however because of the lack of armour and resources these forces are easy to wipe out with heavy weaponry or if they are against very talented armies War or Peace, Mostly War OOC: Just on a side note this took me an awful lot of time to make, please tell me it was worth it, thanks.