"My lady, it is time for you to go" Athena's voice was growing persistent. "How much time left?" Eirwen asked without much interest and without averting her gaze from the plans. "2 minutes, if you wish to arrive before the Alexander brothers" "Disregard the sequence, I plan to arrive the last one" "6 more minutes in your usual pace" Eirwen only nodded. "3 minutes" "1 minute" "30 seconds" "15 seconds" The tactician finally stood up. "Seal the working station. Enable recording. We are heading to the meeting" "Yes, my lady" answered the A.I. Athena's voice was almost relieved that her boss finally listened to her warnings. The lights on holotable went out, as Eirwen exited the room choosing a route where she wouldn't meet any of other high-ranked members going in the same direction.