[b]ラッキーキッド[/b] Main/Starting HQ: Japan $3,000,000 - $2,700,000 ---------- ラッキーキッド releases their first game in the U.S. and Japan [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2015/022/1/a/doki_doki_go_by_papersmash-d8eyuzq.jpg[/img] Doki Doki Go! [b]Topic: [/b]Strategy Arena Game [b]Rating:[/b] Everyone [b]Price:[/b] $30 [b]Regions:[/b] Japan, USA [b]Languages:[/b] Japanese, English [b]Platform:[/b] PC [b]Features:[/b] -Detailed 16bit graphics -Crystal clear surround sound -Two played multiplayer -8 different classes; inc. Dark, Fire and Energy -Finely tuned Combat -Unique Monsters -Randomly generated enemies -Endless combos -Intelligent Champions -Detailed tutorials [b]Plot:[/b] In a world where strange creatures rule is a place where all come for the thrill of victory and glory. Doki-Go Arena. No matter how big or small, how strong or how quick; all come to Doki-Go ready to prove their skills and become a champion. With over 30 characters to choose from and 8 different classes, you will be champion in no time. Will you choose Drathon, the fire bear? Or with you choose Immo, the ghost sprite? Mix and match to create the ultimate champion, even challenge your friends and become the Doki-Go champion! Or join forces and be the heroes everyone looks to. ------------------------ ラッキーキッド has announced another game, 青木ヶ原, although many suspect the name will change upon release. Employees have stated it will be a little different from their first game and is an attempt at stirring up the market in this genre. No more information has currently been given however, instead an image and brief description had been left on the Lucky Kid website. Below is a short description, ominous and strange. _After a series of strange and frightening dreams rage through a small town, screams echo throughout the night, cutting into the townsfolk as they grow further and further away from the rest of the living world._