Marren raised a curious brow at the look on Zoran’s face as he settled her down though he didn’t pay much heed to it, instead looking at where their one armed companion had somehow bamboozled the guards into letting them in. Being inside the walls made the Citadel Keep seem even more sinister, if such a thing was possible. Marren felt his bones chill and it was not due to the cool weather, or the fact that they were in the shade. This place, in his mind, seemed cold in a way that was unnatural. Shops, stalls, various clubs, theatres and the like would have lined the road in Rose. Here instead there were smithies billowing smoke and workshops hammering, the sound and smell of an industry fixed to the needs of war. Casting his eyes about him he saw workers and soldiers and not much else. Weapons and other assortments lined buildings, being carried by workers or soldiers. However there were a few things he noticed that seemed entirely unfamiliar, bits and pieces that he was sure didn’t go into making armour or weapons, at least, not ones he was familiar with. [i]This has to be it[/i] he thought, [i]The Sky-Chariot is being made here[/i]. The sound of marching feet, so prevalent on the island, alerted him to the fact that he was playing the part of a guard escorting prisoners. He looked at his other ‘companions’, the translator and the armless vagrant. Not for the first time he questioned his sanity in accepting this task. Still, as they marched towards the dungeons, he could take solace in the fact that he still had Maria and her soldiers who were ready to act once they got what they came for. Or if things got complicated. Once in the dungeons, hiding away in a storeroom, Marren cut the prisoner’s bonds and fixed the Kantilian cloak around his shoulders. "What exactly will we be looking for?" Lindria asked him, after looking around carefully. "Or at least, where should we bring searching?" [i]I have no fucking idea[/i] was the response in his head. “Ive noticed that many materials and workers seem to be going to a fro from somewhere behind the Citadel. A noticeable enough number. I believe that is where we will find what I am looking for” Though he spoke with confidence he didn’t feel it. "Come on" he urged after affixing his cloak "Our ruse can only last so much longer before someone in here grows a brain and notices us". He opened the door they came in, checked the corridors, then, satisfied, set out.