Raganrok wanted nothing more then to put what he just did behind him, however when Lydia called his full name it caught him off guard and he stopped mid-step. He glanced over at her and followed her till she was right in front of him. He wanted to say something but then she started again. When she asked him to kneel she did, more so out of curiosity then anything. As her words registered in his brain he knew he made the right decision and he understood. He was partially afraid of hurting her after his mission was over as well. That was the main reason he did what he did. There are several other reasons. Some not even Ragna could say he knew. It just felt like the right thing to do. As she continued he glanced down at the ground at the mention of killing his family. " Yes. I do want revenge. But that is something I need to do on my own. I thank you for the offer, but if I am ever to right the wrongs of my family it will be through the wrongs that need to be righted." When he looked back up at Lydia she was close enough he could feel her breath. Her lithe arms draped over his shoulders, she leaned down and kissed him. At first it took him by shock but he quickly recovered and leaned into the kiss,closing his eyes and returning it. As soon as their lips parted Ragnarok opened his eyes and chuckled lightly. "I...umm... I'm not sure what to say now. I mean...I" He truly was at a loss for words. So rather then dig the hole any deeper, he gently wrapped his arms around her and leaned in to kiss her again. A light, simple kiss, but one that stirred something in him that he ignored. When he broke off that time he managed a smile. "I was worried about what I would do to you after the whole king thing as well. At first it was about the money. But as the time drew on I realized the money isn't as great as having someone to talk to...Even if I did most of the talking. I hope now I won't feel like I'm talking to myself? And I truly didn't wish to force anything upon you. I just felt like it was the right thing to do. I hope I wasn't out of line in doing so. If it truly bothers you though, I...I'm sorry..." He looked down again, rethinking his whole strategy. What if he only forced her to open up. Was that the right thing to do. Biting his lip, he mentally smacked himself before mumbling another apology under his breath. Ragna quickly glanced up at her again when he realized her arms were still around his shoulders and the realization of what happened clicked. " I...you...we...did we just kiss?" He looked her in the eyes knowing it wasn't what he wanted to say but he just couldn't stop himself. *why am I so worked up about this. I mean I've kissed people before. But...Never have I felt this way. Could this be the Oath...or maybe something my concubine never had. Yeah sure. A succubus is great. but there is no sensual desires in their actions. Only raw lust and desire. Lydia. I felt something else.* Ragna's mind was reeling even as he spoke like a blundering fool. He was honestly a confusing demon. Strong in battle but a single kiss from a half elf makes him talk worse then a drunk on his payday.