"And you as well." Ahnasha responded. She wished she could say more, but she could think of nothing that had not already been said. It was almost depressing that they could do nothing to influence Monderyn. Llarasa seemed to be saying that he was slowly getting better, but what if he ended up reverting back to violence? Ahnasha felt sympathy for Fendros' family, but she could only imagine how much worse it was for Fendros. Ahnasha was an action-oriented individual, and she could not stand the thought of just leaving this situation as is. However, she had to remind herself that interfering might only make it worse. After all, if there was anything that could send Monderyn back to violence, it was seeing Fendros. At the very least, Fendros was able to have some form of closure with his sister. "Just...take care." She finally said, reluctantly deciding to leave the situation alone. --- "Sabine, you are definitely _not_ a child, but..." Meesei began, letting out a small sigh as she lightly placed her hand on Sabine's shoulder. "...your concerns are not baseless. You were put through far more hardship than you ever should have been, and it stopped you from learning some of the things that others would have. But that does not mean you are a child, it just means you will need to work hard to learn what you have been missing. Perhaps now is a good time for me to answer some more of your questions? Oh, and I would not be upset if someone a lot older than you calls you a child. That is simply how some people are. If I were to return to my village, I would wager that the elders would still call _me_ a child." She explained with a supportive grin.