There, right in the middle of Tim's kitchen wall, right next to the fridge, was a hole, just big enough for a person--and by a person, that means Tim or Sophia-- to climb through. It looked incredibly out of place in his wall, the yellow, floral print of his kitchen slowly tapering off into a strange, rocky area that lead to the entrance of the cave, surrounded by jewels and crystals. Tim walked up next to the hole, throwing his arms down at it in a "look at this!" sort of pose. _"What the **FUCK** is this doing in my goddamn kitchen?!"_ he shouted, a mixture of anger, fear, and confusion welling up in his voice. "I-I-I woke up to to to just take some _medication_ for my _problems_ and look at what I find! A fucking... a fu-- _**this**!_" He backed away from it, still talking as he peered into the hole. "There is an amount of things I can deal with, Sophia, and this is far _fucking_ from that! I-I dont know what it's doing here, Sophia! This is just too _fucked up_ for me to handle!" Tim felt like he was going to have a panic attack, but his emotions were going so haywire that he couldn't really tell if he really was having an attack or if he was just experiencing way more than he usually did. Either way, he was freaked out.