_WARLORD CS_ Anime appearence) [Ai Lao](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/thethreekingdoms/images/6/66/Ma_Chao_(young)_-_RTKXI.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/200?cb=20100213124250) Name: God-King Ai Lao. Age: 30. Your people gave you a nickname?: - "The Mad" - "The Demon King" Normal clothes: ![](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/thethreekingdoms/images/d/d2/Cao_Pi_-_RTKXI.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100316125813) Weapons (optional): A glaive. Armor (optional): ![](http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111217185452/thethreekingdoms/images/b/b3/Ma_Chao_-_RTKXII.jpg) Skills: He is a somewhat capable warrior, though mostly uses this skill in either duels or for self-protection. When it comes to battle, he prefers to dabble in the domain of command, rather than fighting on the front-lines. However, planning is obviously not a strength of his. He is prone to frequent changes of mind and, due to his fascination with the occult, building his plans around the supposed influence of obscure phenomena like cosmic alignments. However, he is superb at terror and propaganda. He himself is a master torturer. At his beck and call is his "Royal Agency", an order of assassins and spies he uses to maintain his stranglehold over his people. Lastly, he is quite a fan of sailing. He often takes the Imperial Navy flagship out for fishing trips with his retinue. Info: As indicated by his title, Ai Lao is extremely delusional and holds himself to be of the divine. While his claims are extremely doubtful, his multitude of agents and other enforcers ensure that this remains the belief of his people, or at least that they pay lip service to the idea. Lao's reign only ever began due to a series of misfortunes that led to him being the sole remaining heir, a situation that his father, King Guan, had anticipated would be a disastrous turn of events and did all in his power to prevent in his lifetime. However, his efforts have obviously failed, and the dreaded insane King now sits upon his throne. Despite his intense delirium, God-King Ai Lao has proven himself incredibly capable of at least maintaining his power. Fear of upsetting the temperamental God-King and the dire consequences this tends to yield keeps his subjects in line. He is particularly fond of personally handling public executions of dissenters in gratuitous, bizarre spectacles. Not important info: Ai Lao is known to be an obsessive collector of miscellaneous things. Shelves line nearly every wall of his palace, filled from end to end with the odd trinkets he has amassed. PROVINCE CS__ Name: Imperial Qibisa Flag: [Flag](http://s17.postimg.org/pojgfpgor/flag.jpg?noCache=1422119678) Geographic description (see the map!): [Roughly around the part circled on the map as shown.](http://s21.postimg.org/x0brlf7o7/location.jpg) Capital city: Honu. 4 Important cities: Ikko, Danto, Eii and Mansu. Religion?: The old religions have been done away with and replaced with The Imperial Cult. The Imperial Cult is actually a patchwork of the beliefs of all its predecessors, only with the supposed God-King Ai Lao inserted into many of the old tales and parables. Belief in the Imperial Cult is mandatory. Customs?: Qibisa is known for throwing huge, bombastic festivals. The God-King himself is quite partial to them. His presence some (quite correctly) suspect is a strong motivator to the performers to do their utmost to strive for perfection. More info?: ARMY CS___ Unit types (footsoldiers, cavalry, Ships, Etc, PICTURES OF THEIR ARMOR NEEDED): The pride of the God-King is his Imperial Navy. His ships are in ways emblematic of his sadistic ways. The prows of his ships are fitted with brass heads of monsters such as dragons. Within the mouths of these figures are projectors that spew out what the Qibisa dub "liquid fire" or "manufactured fire"; a devastating incendiary maritime weapon. Furthermore, they are reinforced with a shell of iron, rendering them tough nuts to crack. [Qibisa warship](http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/294/0/6/korean_turtle_ship_by_nonsense0909-d4djmai.png) On the land, the Imperial Army conforms to a more conventional, well-rounded structure, owing to the remnants of his father's expertise in military organization. Though it is rare, some soldiers are outfitted with handheld versions of the larger flame siphons outfitted on the Imperial Navy's vessels. [Imperial Qibisan Army Cavalry](http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o11/yhjow/heavyhancavalry.jpg) [Imperial Qibisan Army Infantry](http://britishbattles.homestead.com/files/asia/eastasia/transparent_imperial_song_infantry.gif) [Imperial Qibisan Army Heavy Infantry](http://th01.deviantart.net/fs14/300W/f/2007/009/c/e/Heavy_Infantry_by_Maqiangk.jpg) [Ai Lao's Royal Guard](http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/1/11332/356739-lubu12.jpg) [General](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1d/Portrait_of_a_Chinese_Soldier.tif/lossy-page1-220px-Portrait_of_a_Chinese_Soldier.tif.jpg) More info?: More detail on the above probably to come in later edits. War or Peace