Name: Arthur Age: 18 Sex: Male Gender: Female His name is Arthur, and he is 18 years of age. Bubbly and cheerful in nature, he is a loving and friendly young man, who cares for, and adores, his vest friend with all his heart. He'll do anything to make her happy, even if he feels it's not the best thing to do at that moment in time, or if it might lead to trouble of some description. He always knew he was different to most boys when growing up. He hated sports and the rough and tumble games that most males played, much preferring playing with the girls and their dolls. When it came to dress up play, he didn't want to be a firefighter or a policeman, or in the army, he wanted to be a pretty princess, or a fairy, or a nurse. As he grew older, he never seemed to "grow out of the phase", much to the disgust of his highly religious and old-fashioned mother and father, who followed the "men should be men" and "women should stay at home" train of thought. As a result of this, he was disowned at the age of eleven by them, and put into care. This proved to be the best thing that ever happened to him. He ended up in the care of two women, whom had been seeking to adopt for many years. They were more then accepting of his crossdressing tendencies, and his want to eventually identify as female. They brought him dresses, skirts, make-up, etc, and made him feel loved and accepted. Around this time, he met his twin through an online forum, and though they lived miles upon miles apart, this had no impact on how close the duo grew, and how they bonded. They now live together in a small home, left to them by their biological uncle.