Thrasher was looking for the place where the other heroes were gathering, but he was having a bit trouble since his appearance didn't really help when he tried asking for directions and made people scream in terror. "Always with the screams" he said to himself as people ran away from him. "SHARK!" one young girl screamed in fear. "Oh please that's so cliche" he said back to her, but he kept on walking not wanting to waste his time with these people. Eventually the anthropomorphic shark came to the building and he became excited, this was the place and his incredible sense of smell picked up on the scents of several people inside including the smell of candy. That's odd, he thought to himself. He entered the building and walked down the hall towards the room where everyone was. He entered the room and he wondered if the heroes would by frightened by a hulking six feet and four inches tall humanoid shark with a mouth full of huge sharp teeth. "Hello, I am here for the hero meeting, I'm guessing this is it" he said to them giving them a toothy smile.