**Eddie** Hmph. Why did she have to be here with these losers? She didn’t need to attend this stupid assembly, she already knew everything. Maybe that was why she was drawing a butterfly with an ink and a brush on her hand, making it very Henna-styled. Eddie was obviously too awesome to listen to what these people were saying. She kept a straight-face, her lips only frowning slightly when a slight botch happened to her butterfly’s wing. When it was finished, she pushed her ink and brush into her pants, not caring if it got all over her jeans, and dug her finger into the palm of her hand, drawing blood. When she pulled away, the butterfly escaped her skin and became a new being. _I’m so cool._ Eddie thought to herself. Matter of fact, she was so cool that she didn’t need this stupid assembly. Eddie’s stomach growled angrily and, so, she decided that she would go to the cafeteria. Stalking away, strutting almost, she walked elegantly and beautifully. Well, until she tripped over a rock and fell flat on her face.