“Call me when you get settled, okay?” Kaja’s mother said over the phone and the brunette could distinctly hear sobbing sounds in the background. “I can’t believe my _kochanie_ is all grown up!” "Mama, I’m only an hour away. You act as if I’m on the other side of the country. And tell Tata to stop crying, it’s embarrassing just to hear.” Kaja sighed, holding the phone between her shoulder and ear while dragging her suitcases behind her to the dorms. Kaja glanced down at the piece of paper in fingers that told of her dorm room and nearly dropped the phone "Tch, I’m on the fifth floor. _Cholerny.” _The eighteen year old said mostly to herself, but by the clucking of her mother’s tongue, Kaja realized her mom heard. "Watch your tongue, Kaja, before I smack it.” She reprimended and Kaja only groaned in response. "_Tak, tak_. No swearing, _zrozumiany_. Listen, mama, I have to go, I arrived to the dorms.” And true to her word, she did. Without waiting for the dreaded response of "I love you’s” and "call me’s,” Kaja quickly ended the call and shoved the phone into her pocket. She entered the building and dragged her suitcases up multiple flights of stairs until she finally made it to her dorm room. Digging the key out of her pocket, she struggled with the door, cursing multiple times, before jiggling it open. The door swung open and she was greeted with the sight of a boy and a girl. _Shit,_ Kaja thought. She was hoping that she would have the dorm to herself.