Kite left in agreement with the Riolu or Ditto trainer as it was. He held no qualms or argue-mental feelings towards the guy. It was just a misunderstanding that was mostly Kite's fault. Thinking that Kite walked off of the S.S. Tidal and walked straight into Sandgem town. It was a nice place. Well every other trainer went to look for lodging that night he immediately headed for the market. Kite stocked up on his items and then left Sandgem town to the west. With Pidgeotto flying above him and Swablu and Wingull on each shoulder the rookie trainer thought it would be the best thing if he gained as much ground as possible so he could move on. "Come on out Skar." He called. As he let his Skarmory out of its pokeball. Kite pulled out some rags and poured some cleaner onto it. "This will help prevent rust and decay,Skar." Kite said as he started to rub its wings. At first his pokemon started to resist and pull away. "I know your not happy with me but I don't like losing and I've noticed neither do you." The trainer said to his pokemon with a fierce look in his eyes. "I'm going to do everything in my power to put you in top fighting condition. Winning or losing is going to be completely up to you." Kite said in a scolding look. With that Skarmory let his trainer rub the cleaner along its entire body.