All the 40k... and 1d4chan. This calls for something to make both the existing characters _really confused_! **Name:** Leman Russ **Age:** Over 10,000 years old if you compare 'date of birth' to 'date in the Imperium', but given where he's been... **Gender:** Female now, of all things. **Appearance:** [Something here has gone very wrong.]( **Canon, AU, or OC?:** AU **Universe of Origin:** Warhammer 40,000 **Personality:** Quiet, cerebral, a teetotaller: all of these things are totally inaccurate ways to describe the Wolf King, known for being boisterous, raucous, and besting the Emperor in a drinking contest. Possessed of a rather touchy sense of honour, she's not above seeing the humour in a situation. Despite the temper, though, it's not a good idea to underestimate her ability to think: being an angry, boisterous fighter isn't the same thing as being a mad berserker, and she *was* raised by wolves. **Abilities/Weapons:** As a human designed to be a great general and leader of men, Leman is deceptively capable of strategy and inspiring others. Her more known skills, however, are straightforward: fighting, drinking, and having senses that would be good for tracking *or* for not being crept up on. Though vastly more skilled than any normal Space Marine, this is rather tempered by her current unintimidating state, and lacking most of the equipment associated with Space Marines... or, indeed, their impressive array of random abilities. She still has the nameless blade given at the onset of the Great Crusade 10,000 years ago, and whilst its sharpness is almost incomparable, it's not really all that *fancy* a weapon. It doesn't need to be. Finally: despite what may have been expected, and despite what some may have thought, Freki and Geri are manifestly not dead... seeing as the two ancient wolves are continuing to accompany the 'brother' that they now loom over, making her that much more intimidating. **Backstory:** Long ago, the Emperor of Mankind was conducting a project to create immensely superhuman warriors--and the Primarch Project was the portion of that ambition to create generals for the legions he was creating. However, Chaos refused to sit idly by and allow this plan to succeed, and scattered the twenty Primarchs across the Galaxy. Leman landed on the Death Planet of Fenris and was found, not by humans, but by the enormous wolves that dominated the ecosystem. Thus, he was raised by an enormous wolf, presumably aided by his DNA being somewhat lupine anyway. After the pack proved itself a threat to people, the king sent a raiding party to eliminate the trouble... and aside from killing Russ's foster-mother, dragged him back to the king. Here, he learned to act as a human and not some ravening beast, and served the King as the man's greatest warrior until his death, when he was chosen to be the next ruler. It was at this point that the Emperor somehow heard of him, and concluded that only a Primarch could have done such a thing. He arrived on Fenris in disguise, but rather than submit to some stranger, Leman challenged the Emperor to a series of tests. He out-ate the Emperor and out-drank the Emperor but was defeated in a fight. Thus, Leman Russ took control of the Space Wolves legion, and lead it through the entirety of the Great Crusade, where they picked up a particularly terrifying reputation. At the onset of the Horus Heresy, the Emperor tasked the Space Wolves with travelling to Prospero and dragging Magnus the Red back to Terra--an order that Horus corrupted into 'kill the Thousand Sons'. Being vastly against the use of psyker abilities anyway and believing the order to have come from the Emperor, Leman was quite willing to carry out this order. Sadly, the attack on Prospero meant that the Space Wolves were too far away from Terra to be present for the Siege. Quite a long time later, he chose to take the strongest of the Space Wolves--sans Bjorn, who he left to lead the rest--into the Warp, swearing to be back for the Final Battle. None, save for Magnus the Red, know what has happened to the missing Primarch, though the Space Wolves search... As it turns out, being in the Warp for untold millennia whilst dealing with genetic instability is about as far from optimal as you can possibly get. With his retinue worn away due to attrition, and his form altered to the point of being unable to use his former equipment, Leman was in a poor situation. *She* found her way *out* of the Warp... into the Multiverse at large. At least that meant she could find some fitting clothing. **Faction:** UMMA