Viral needed to find this doctor and get checked out if only for the opportunity to go back outside and bask in as much sunshine as possible. He needed to get his energy back and recover, not feeling that he should be venturing too far after all that. He was not terribly well right now, he was fairly light-headed and struggling to focus on where he was, but then again he had lost a lot of blood even if it was just through his nose. He had experienced these nosebleeds before and often they were a lot worse resulting in his body shutting down. He didn’t know how to care about everything starting to go on the fritz, at least not anymore. He couldn’t care about what was happening to him anymore, just that it was basically the norm now. “I don’t want to wear a robe. I’m fine like this”, he sighed, looking down at himself, “Are you sure I should waste time getting changed when the sun will dry me off? I don’t care if I’m wet, cold or whatever. Do you even know what you want to do after I’m done with this…? He might not let me go if he’s as paranoid as Vegeta when dealing with me”. Vegeta really wasn’t getting any of it, only thinking that biology was where it mattered; sure, the problems that the Beastman was going through was biological, but psychology wasn’t something he was able to understand because it didn’t involve molecules. Even when Choi was completely uneducated in those fields he still knew the basics while Vegeta completely overlooked them. Feeling confused over Vegeta’s claims of education he raised an eyebrow, leaning forward a little. “Wait. You only just started with psychology and genetics yet claim you know how to work with the guy because you studied notes?” he asked up, raising an eyebrow before scratching his cheek, “You know the King was able to find out most of what you know within a year, right? Those rebels were still working for the King by the time your friend was on the field under the control of the King, you know. Whatabout that woman in with the rebels? She’s had more experience with genetics than you have…heh! You could probably be her apprentice considering what she’s worked with!” Kai couldn’t agree with Kabocha, especially when he sounded so desperate just for a girl with that attitude. There was always going to be loads of pretty girls, but there was very few who were warriors and Kai wasn’t going to be the one to let someone like that go. “You really want a pretty girl? Do you really want your children to be burdened with a mother who would probably be too afraid to let them fight in anything? There would be no glory in any of that!” Kai really couldn’t care for looks when it came to strength and if he was going to have a strong family he was going to have to look for someone who was as keen on fighting as he was. What Kabocha wanted sounded like a stay-at-home wife who would just look after the kids and not let them do anything he considered fun. “What do you even want out of a family? Do you even think that far?” Shu had experience when it came to gathering fruit whereas Takeshi did not, giving him an open advantage over what he wanted when it came to gathering fruit. Takeshi had a lot to learn when it came to catching the fruit and not letting it fall so carelessly like that. Bouncing around as he headed on back he gave Takeshi a quick look, giggling. “With your hands, silly! You don’t have a tail so you’ve got to be quick!” Takeshi really should think before talking when fruit was falling, otherwise he could had avoided that fruit easily. “Aww! I guess so. Friend should watch so he doesn’t get sore tummy!” he squeaked but was only left confused, “Ooh! How do I know if his tummy is in the same place mine is? Aliens are weird!” T’charrl felt pretty awful, probably because he was so light and strangely shaped now despite it all being his normal form. He didn’t know how he was supposed to handle this but he needed to figure it out soon or he was going to be flying the whole way and embarrassing his mother and father with his poor walking skills. Once Shu and Takeshi arrived it should be okay, but he was going to have to work hard to learn how to move before he got home. Keeping his head low as he listened to the Captain he frowned upon hearing that the General was still being dealt with, his hopes that all that nonsense would be over with being all too distant now. “Oh. The tree…the General…I left too much when I left for you all to deal with”, he frowned, shaking his head, “I’m sorry I caused all that damage, but…I didn’t have a choice. Why does the General have to be negotiated with…? I defeated him, the lab is destroyed…what else is there to do with him? If we do go now…can we not go too fast? I need to uhh…learn how to walk again before I can fly…”