> Appearance:[img=http://konachan.net/image/43773959f09ae11935ebd758bbfd49fc/Konachan.com%20-%2026985%20nhk_ni_youkoso%20satou_tatsuhiro.jpg] bernard [/img] > Name: bernard stonefeild > alias: enigma > gender:male > Age: 17 > powers: a task master esque intelligence: meaning he learns your moves much faster than others, and able to copy them (as long as no powers are invovled) and can do well to telegraph the physical attacks of an opponent once he has seen them only a few times. with his drawn out battle style, this ability seems to take every movement the opponent makes and photograph it into his memories. Unfortunately this ability has a down fall. With every ability that uses magic or unconventional super powers, he takes a large amount of time for him to adjust, leaving him vulnerable. > death stroke like regeneration: Though it won't help much in battle and is no more than a simple back up ability, but his wounds will heal times faster than that of a usual human, allowing him to get healed over long periods without getting hit. This is helpful in his hide and hit style of rushing and ducking under cover to heal this ability is slow and requires a lot of time. > > Martial art skills: Trained in defensive militaristic forms, learning, ecsrima, S.C.A.R.S, and defendo, he does well disarming, overwhelming and grapples. The main flaw in this style is that it is based mainly on zero distance fighting and requires him to keep a steady flow of hits and to have a hand latched to the foe at all times. If you are to counter, keep your distance or just keep a hand off of you, he is practically defenseless. > equipment: duel shock police batons:uses in escrima style > explosives and mustard gas: mustard gas in round clay balls and the explosives have a single sticky part > and a sharp metal boomerang: used mainly as a club but he is well akin to throwing it. > personality: Bernard seems to be one who doesn't take social cues and others emotions from others well, keeping a monotone and calm voice, but with rude remarks to almost anything others say. He almost always seems bored with what he is doing and can almost never be please. Though he has a quick temper it is only expressed in quick one liners that only drag you into him insulting you more. > brief history: Being tested on since a kid in order to mimic and possibly make a better death stroke, after a short period of time he was sent to dispatch of the merc, only to have his personal life invaded and his friends all killed by slade wilson, as a warning to stay away from him. In agony he deserted the operation and managed to get taken in by Tibetan monks, who trained him to fight. Eventually he was found by his previous owners, who he defeated with ease. Having seen his prowess in battle the justice league requested him before he turned against them and became a villain. Out of curiosity and request by the monks he accepted. > accepted