**Evelyn - "Jeez you're a bitch." <.<** Now as many would like to believe, Evelyn wasn't a bitch. She would gladly help those in need and even stand up to a couple of bullies for them, but...when they stepped on her toes like this girl did and blew off her generous offer, then that's when her inner bitch started to come through. "Pfft! Well sorry, Miss Holier than Thou!" Her hands shirked back to the sanctity of her pockets and her eyes narrowed dimming bitterly towards the girl. She was a pretty face, no doubt, and Ev would totally admit that, but her attitude...much to be desired, and Evelyn would totally admit that too. "Just seeing if you needed help, but next time I guess I won't give a fuck or two if you're face down in dog shit." People like that got on her nerves anyway, always thinking they were better than her. It didn't make a damn to Ev what they thought. All people were equal...to shit. "Yeah and now that you mentioned it, you're totally wasting my lunch time. Laters." With a curt wave, Ev passed up the snob and tarried on to the cafeteria. The smell of cooked food was already driving her insane and her stomach was starting to sound like a bad impersonation of Nathan Explosion. "Dude, shut up! I know!" Ev grumbled. It all looked so good, but the drawback.....it was all made of meat. "Ugh...wouldn't kill them to make a salad, would it?" So instead, Ev decided on a tomato and avocado sandwich on white with gouda, some salt and vinegar kettle chips and an iced coffee. After she paid for her lunch, she sat down at a table in the back by herself and stuck in her Skullcandies, bobbing her head softly to some [Hollywood Undead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYwrRwnfuy8) and scribbling in her sketchbook while she ate in peace.