"A Summoner? Oh cool!" Hayato said with a grin. "I've always thought that was an interesting ability. Reminds me of the Shin Megami Tensei and the Pokemon games." He looked around until he saw John, recognizing him because he had seen Joe speaking to him before, and waved the other boy over. Then he turned back to Hazel. The tsundere was strong with this one. If she were Japanese, she would have probably said something like "it's n-n-not like I w-w-want to go with you or anything, you BAKA!" Hayato sighed and shrugged his shoulders when Joe asked if she would be coming with them. "Yeah. I take back what I said before, Hazel," he began, rubbing the back of his head as was the nervous habit. "I thought at first you didn't really wanna bother, cause of how annoyed you seemed, but I'm gonna have to bother you for your help after all, sorry. Would you help us out?" If Hazel said yes, that would make four people, although they were all direct attackers. If they couldn't get a Cleric or a Binder, then someone who could attack from range like an Adept or a Sniper would be a good choice too. Hayato looked around until he spotted someone who looked like a Magi (Soka) and called out. "'Scuse me, over there! Yes, you! Are you a Magic Class, by any chance? Would you wanna do a job with us?"