_Name_: Hampus the Red _Age_: 31 _Gender_: Male _Appearance_: ![enter image description here](http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/magicka.gamepedia.com/3/3e/Magick_meteorshower_4.PNG "Hampus during a bad day.") _Canon, AU, or OC_?: Canon _Universe of Origin_: Magicka _Personality_: Hampus is a jolly fellow, often preferring to create bright lights and toy around with his Magicks over hunting down enemies and destroying them. Hampus, being a wizard, possesses no sense of morality and actively ignores the happiness and safety of those around him. He perceives anyone without magical powers to be on the same level as vermin, and those *with* magical powers to be competition to abuse and destroy. Of course, Hampus is not liable to actively scheme and go after those he views as inferior. All in all, Hampus is a fool wrapped around a core of pure magical power and absolutely no compunctions against using it. _Abilities/Weapons_: **1**. Hampus is horrendously frail, dying from attacks that would only maim a regular human. Hampus is very quick to tire, and is barely strong enough to swing his sword. **2**. His only saving grace is the fact that he eventually revives when killed. Revivification takes longer to complete the more damage Hampus' corpse takes. At the lowest level (Hampus has bled to death or has died by poison) this takes half an hour. The longest this will ever take is a full 72 hours, achievable by cremating or otherwise disintegrating his corpse. **3**. Hampus' true glory lies in his magical powers. Hampus possesses limited power over the fundamental elements of the world. **4**. These elements are Water, Lightning, Life, Arcane, Shield, Earth, Cold, Fire, Ice, and Steam. Hampus can summon up at most six fist-sized motes of pure magic related to these elements. The more motes he has summoned, the slower he moves and turns. **5**. Hampus is capable of projecting a blast of these elements directed either directly forward, at his immediate area, towards himself, or into his weapon for a more powerful blow. **6**. Hampus cannot summon two elements that are diametrically opposed (Water & Lightning, Arcane & Life, Cold & Fire, Shield & Itself, etc.) at once. **7**. Spells primarily featuring Earth take the form of a single projectile. The projectile's size grows the more motes of Earth he has summoned into it. **8**. Spells featuring only Fire, Lightning, Water, or Steam take the form of a concentrated spray of the relative element. The more motes, the longer Hampus can keep a spray up and the further the spray goes. **9**. Spells with any amount of Arcane or Life take the form of pure energy emitted in either a beam (when projected forward) or a wave (when projected all around him or into his weapon) **10**. Spells with a Shield mote in them take on persistent properties. For example, a spell with Fire and Shield will create a small series of firestorms, each only about the size of Hampus. **11**. Shield spells with Life or Arcane motes in them come in the form of a series of motion-activated magical "mines" that unleash a small concussive blast of whatever element was summoned alongside them, if projected. If cast on Hampus himself, Hampus is given a modest level of protection against whatever elements were included in the spell. **12**. Shield spells with Earth or Ice in them form solid barriers of said element. If imbued with other elements, the barrier is charged with it, and will discharge a burst of those elements when destroyed. If applied to Hampus directly, a thick layer of rocky or icy armor forms up around his body. Hampus is significantly more resistant to brute force and heat, but is greatly slowed down so long as the armor lasts. **13**. In regards to natural defense, Hampus is very lightly-dressed. With only a robe for protection, Hampus largely relies on magical shields and ensuring enemies cannot reach him. **14**. Hampus' only mundane weapons are his ceremonial staff and blunted shortsword. Neither of these are very effective weapons, and Hampus isn't skilled enough to use them effectively even if they were. Their only use is to bolster Hampus' confidence and help him project his spells. _Backstory_: A resident of the country of MidgÄrd, Hampus was a wizard residing at Castle Aldrheim. After spending several years learning how to use magic to its fullest. However, since his teachers are wizards, he had only learned what entirely mundane utilities limitless magical potential could fulfill. All in all, Hampus was a model wizard: lazy, stupid, frail, and filled with contempt for his fellow man. One day, he was whisked away by a Teleport spell gone wrong, and appeared in the middle of a small Shadow Eternity outpost. When Hampus' panicked self-defense impressed the leader of the camp, he offered Hampus a job in the Shadow Eternity corps. Hampus, having no knowledge of English at this time, handily agreed and was shanghaied into Shadow Eternity's lowest echelons. While performing his duties, he managed to (barely) pick up the English language, and can now speak with (some) fluency. Ultimately, Hampus enjoys being able to use his powers while not being forced to deal with the consequences all by his lonesome. _Faction_: Shadow Eternity