Yolanda Grieg stared up at the archway that led into the college that she would call home for the next few years. It was vaguely imposing, though she reasoned it was simply the thought of the place rather than the actual college itself. Steeling herself with a slow breath and tightening her grip on the bags clasped in her hands, Yolanda passed under the archway and onto the college grounds. It was quite a nice place, really; much less intimidating once you were within and looking around at the green fields and seemingly historic buildings. She glanced around for a few moments longer, committing the place to memory, before moving off to find her dorm. Yolanda had a vague idea where the dorms would be, having been told by a rather fast talking and excitable type. She grimaced slightly as she tried to remember what the person had said among their ramblings. Walking towards a building that seemed to have a steady stream of students passing through, she assumed that to be where the dorms were housed. Yolanda walked inside and up the stairs to her right, her brow furrowing as she squeezed past a group of loud girls. What had that idiot said? Room number fove. That sounded right, but she still held her doubts. Yolanda eventually found herself outside of dorm five. She somewhat tentatively opened the door and found it to be empty. A good sign, she supposed. She walked in and set her bags down, pulling at one strap of the simple white singlet she wore before joining her bags on the bed. This would be a fine room.