[quote=Halo]Smacking: Why do you draw the lines where you do? Should a parent who slaps 4 times be berated or punished? Should the punishment be the same for a parent who smacks four times as a parent who leaves cuts and black eyes? If not, again, where is the line drawn? Fertility tourism: is it not our role to work as a society to protect those who are easily exploitable? [/quote] Why do I draw the lines where I do? Because to me, they make logical sense, and in a way are common timings of our own motions. It is normal for a person to swing once, twice, or three times at most things, such as waving, knocking on a door, etc. Besides that, more than three, what are you accomplishing? I personally believe that one slap upside the ass might not be enough of a wake up call to some kids; two or three will. After that, four, five, six? Now you're just releasing your own feelings into the punishment, not keeping it objective. Punishment for exceeding what I perceive to be as common sense restrictions to my own actions? I am not qualified, nor eligible to say. To put it bluntly, you asked me for my own personal opinion, and I interpreted it as what I, personally would hold myself to. What other people will do, is up to them. If a parent however leaves cuts, raw skin, or anything obviously far beyond what could be considered legitimately punishment, then it is assault. Is it our role to protect people from exploitation? 1: How is Fertility Tourism exploiting anyone? It is people going outside of their own country for Fertility Treatment, such as In vitro fertilization treatments and such, from what I read. 2: No. It is not our duty to protect people from their own ignorance. If someone is doing something that does not harm, or interfere with anyone else? I personally believe that no one has a right to interfere. Who am I to tell someone else, how they should live, or what they should do with themselves? Simply put, my personal belief is, we as society need to stay out of people's lives, and that people need to stop shirking the responsibilities that come with their freedoms and rights.