Giving the blonde a nod while grinning happily, Rian was glad to already have one willing participant. Thinking on it, he figured it might even be possible for the two of them to handle the mission themselves given their skill sets. He could debilitate the ExBeast and cripple is movement while Winnifred piled away at it. **"A pleasure,"** he said softly, bowing somewhat before, **"I'm Rian."** He frowned a bit at Hayato's response but didn't really choose to otherwise comment. If that was the Assignment the boy wanted, Rian saw no reason to try and convince him otherwise. Before he could propose his idea to Winnifred though, several things happened in rather rapid succession. For some reason the older student decided to pick a bone with Hazel, though for what reason he personally couldn’t see. Despite not knowing the language Hayato and their senior shared, it wasn’t too hard to tell that it likely hadn’t been friendly. While he had been largely neutral over yesterday’s happenings, chalking it up to a senior being concerned for his juniors, but now this… And things only spiralled downwards from there on. As expected from what little he had seen of her, Hazel refused to back down while the, questionably now, older student simply continued to egg her on. Stepping away from the brewing confrontation, he shook his head slowly in disbelief before turning towards the blonde-haired gunner; the shit storm already pushed aside from his mind and its participants ignored. **“Don’t quite know,”** he admitted as he caught her looking towards him before he nodded away from the assignment board. **“Personally, one enemy is where I do my best and I think we could take the creature down ourselves if you’re willing. It’ll mean more rewards between ourselves, but we’ll have to get ready quick. Others no doubt will want to tag along if we dilly dally.”**