Day 01 Haruka first day at school wasn't anything special, the usual ceremony at the start of every new school year unpacking in the dorms and the meeting of the group she does her assignments with. Her school timetable hasnt changed much from last year, her classes were seperated between night and day. It gave the opportunity to sleep during mid day and train at night after classes. But sleep was the last thing she needed, so training during the day and night wasnt a big problem to do. Her first night was peacefull for now since immediatly rushing to train is a bit to much, for now atleast. Day 02 Haruka has been sleeping well since a long time it gave her some comfort to be here in this school, it felt a little like a home to her. The daily morning excersizes were as usual for everyone. Still a lot of people had difficulties with it and stopped even before it started. She did her laps of running and took a shower in her dorm. Short after, she got to her classes which consisted of dodging hiding and knife trowing. The day passed on very quickly and it already free time was there for her to spent on training or sleeping. It didn't take long for her to decide what to do. Haruka went over to the assignment board to do some missions with who ever was around at the moment. Some rank B assignments would be fine for now, taking it easy for the first day was reasonable. When she arrived something seemed hugely off about this. The assignment board area was filled with students. Well it was predictable that this would happen, some of the students didn't pass because of their low rank and tried to keep it up a little this year. It made her think, only one tought went through her mind 'Way to forced' she moved through the crowd to the front and took a look at the assignments for today. It appeared there were only D ranking assignments. Which would mean all these people were probably around D rank. Well since she didn't have anything else to do, it would be fun to help some others maybe. Haruka wasn't that famous around the school for her rank or anything so most people wouldn't even notice that she was ranked A. Haruka quietly looked around her for maybe some younger shades that she could help.