Glitch sighed as the cute girl turned away, he supposed he had to do something now. Bringing up the map function of his pipboy he found general directions to the dining hall and began walking their. Then suddenly he remembered Brvr, poor guy must be worried sick... He really hoped thair weren't any inexplicable small animal corpses littering his liveing room. After a second of contemplation he called up the communications network on his pipboy. "Hey, how are you doing their Brvr?" He asked when the call was picked up on the other end. Are you all right? I haven't left you for this long for a while..." Brvr had been worried sick, but he wanted the master to see progress. "I'm fine master." He lied as he got into the camera shot. "But, why haven't you called, I haaaaaaate being cooped up at home when your not here." Dang, he could hear the want in the pikachu's voice. If he couldn't handle this little bit then their was no way he could handle being alone while glitch was at school. "I was at an assembly, but you know what. I'm going to provide you with a bit of leave. Shut down the main access point and give admin duties to Ben. He's kind of a Jack off but I know he wouldn't let the others out. When your done I'll to you herez your going to school." Once Brvr had carried out his orders glitch brought him to the school through a secure secondary access point. During the process he converted the little guy into a human, something he'd been working on for a while. "Ok, I got you a new human model. You've been Hunan before, for splendy. I'm going to have to ask you to go explore on your own though, I agroed a few teachers and I don't want to get you involved." Brvr nodded, moving away from his master. He really hoped he wouldn't have to much trouble, but when the turned around he slammed right into someone and fell right on his tail. "Owe," he said, holding a hand to his head. "I'm sorry..."