Well, hellrazor and I have come up with a basis for a starting plot line premise. Tell us what you guys think: The setting is present day London, Great Britain, The Prince, and several other Elder Kindred have been found dead, and nobody knows who killed them. The Inner Circle of the Camarilla responds by appointing a Justicar to investigate the situation, whom in turn sends an Archon to London as their representative. Their purpose, to find the identities of those responsible for the killings and exact justice upon them if possible, and oversee the situation in London until a new Prince is appointed and order restored. That's the overarching premise. You guys are all Kindred, Humans, or maybe even Werewolves residing within London's vicinity, who will all play a role in the investigation as the Archon assembles a network to help them in their task. Other side jobs and plot lines will revolve and spin off as the main one is pursued, just like in the games. The goal is not to end the plot in a conventional way, and to show off more of the interplaying politics within the Camarilla and Kindred society than a Sabbat-Camarilla war. The Standard Camarilla and Anarch clans will be available in regards to Vampire selection. What do you think?