**Evelyn - Meh... =_=** It had been a while or so as she sat there taking a few momentary bites out of her sandwich in one hand and in the other, her pencil scribbling madly against the vanilla colored paper of her book. Her Mp3 had switched over to [Lacuna Coil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzjrs04eLRs), and by then most of the students were already done eating lunch. Really, Evelyn hadn't noticed how much time had passed at all as she was zoned out, entranced in two of her loves...art and music. Her pencil kept moving between her two fingers, each stroke either broad or slender creating her masterpiece before her very eyes, a vision pulled from the dark confines of her haunting imagination and spilled out unto the cream white page. Once she was done, she looked down at her [creation](https://img1.etsystatic.com/027/1/5935777/il_340x270.610941845_9hok.jpg), rather pleased with it. Just a few more finishing touches on the shading and whatnot and she closed her book setting it aside and switching off her Mp3, stuffing it in the pocket of her flannel before getting up and gathering up her trash and throwing it away. A free day today, but really she had nothing to do at all. No friends to hang out with and her roommate, who she had yet to discover, hadn't even darkened her door all day while she was busy playing Dark Souls. _Eh...guess I'll just go back then._ She figured shrugging her shoulders. After Evelyn crossed the campus and made it back to the dorm hall again, she climbed the stairs to her room and slammed the door behind her. She collapsed on her bed afterwards and stared up at the ceiling, a brief yawn escaping her lips. Beside her, she grabbed the _Revovler_ magazine off her nightstand and began thumbing through it, reading about Slayer's upcoming tour in Europe and skimming over the free guitar tabs in the back. This month, it was Pantera's _Drag the Waters_, In Flames' _Deliver Us_, and Stone Sour's _Absolute Zero_, most of them she already knew how to play without even looking at tabs.