"I'll do just that," a woman's voice comes from the steps, amused at TK's question. If everyone were to turn and look, there would be a young woman walking down the steps, blond with sunglasses on. She looks around at all of the heroes that have gathered. "Hello everyone. My name is Captain. You will only refer to me as Captain. I am the reason why you all are here." She takes a deep breath. "As you know, the crime in this city has been rising immensely, where the heroes are dwindling at the same time. The reason we are here is because I have chosen each other you because you are the last heroes left in the city. If we are to stop evil from taking over, we must join forces and work together to stop it." She looks around. "I know that may be a little difficult for some of you, but you will have to try if you want to survive. Any questions?" --- Leo looks at the woman as she walks down the steps. He recognizes her immediately. This is the "human" woman that she had saved from the criminals. He raises an eyebrow, curious as to why she has called them all there. As she explains, Leo begins to understand more. He is silent when she asks for questions, but looks around to see if anyone does.